Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Good night

Since our trip home from Thailand, even that very night, I found it hard to go to sleep. It felt to me as if when I'd relax, something terrible might happen. Maybe on the flight home, I pushed myself to stay awake a lot to take care of the rest of the group....because they all were falling asleep and missing their meals and flight attendant's offers of water, and they were all miserable (as was I). I forced myself to stay awake most of those 24 hours of airports/airplanes back to USA. But, I'm recognizing it tonight. Almost like a fear. A spirit of fear. I haven't totally realized it until now. I've found myself AFRAID to go to sleep! What a strange thing!

I hope to be able to go to sleep and truly sleep tonight. I've attempted to stay away from caffeine since this morning. I've not taken any naps. I've been quietly reading the past few hours.

Lord, please help me rest in You. Heal and hold me. Help me to rest in Your arms of peace. Don't let me continue to feel fear, because I know that fear is not of You. Help me to breathe out anxiety and to breathe in Your sweet sleep.

Selah, Pam.... Selah


BethC said...

specifically, fear of what?
probably spiritual warfare for the enemy's "territory" that you invaded, AND CONQUERED!
I agree with you that you have the Spirit of God within you (including your heart and mind)

Mama PC said...

prob warfare...

the Lord reigns in me...

Lord YOU be Lord of all of me and mine...

About Me

I have one wonderful, devoted, servant-hearted, gifted, long-suffering, thoughtful, faithful husband, We've enjoyed and persevered through 26! years of marriage...and we're glad we've stuck it out... with the past 6 years being the best! Three wonderful children that are thankfully still gracing our home with their presence, although all over 20 now.... I work too many hours.... want to cook more, clean less, spend more time outdoors or eating out with friends.... Someday I want to own jetskis, a boat, and a Harley Davidson in order to spend more time outside in God's creation doing fun and fast things... I'm learning to explore more deeply of this romantic relationship with the Lover of my Soul.