Friday, July 13, 2007

Have you heard 'THE CALL'???

Many thousands of believers joined in Nashville on 07.07.07 and I believe much was accomplished in the spirit realm that one day soon will be evidenced.

Your Kingdom Come Your Will be Done

On earth as it is in Heaven

Lord, as we lay our lives before You
Please pick us up and use us to impact the Nation
To reach the world - abroad and around us
To touch the broken and to bring healing
To the little ones and the aged
To the widows and the orphans
To the thirsty and the tired
The poor and diseased
Use our hands as gloves that You have slipped Your Hands into
To touch the lonely
To comfort the grieving
To reach the lost

About Me

I have one wonderful, devoted, servant-hearted, gifted, long-suffering, thoughtful, faithful husband, We've enjoyed and persevered through 26! years of marriage...and we're glad we've stuck it out... with the past 6 years being the best! Three wonderful children that are thankfully still gracing our home with their presence, although all over 20 now.... I work too many hours.... want to cook more, clean less, spend more time outdoors or eating out with friends.... Someday I want to own jetskis, a boat, and a Harley Davidson in order to spend more time outside in God's creation doing fun and fast things... I'm learning to explore more deeply of this romantic relationship with the Lover of my Soul.