My World
November 1998
My books and writing implements
Computer and modem attached to telephone
Connect me to friends and associates
Near and far
Connecting with others
Alike and different
To discuss, to laugh, to work, or to complete common goals
My writing informs
Puts into concrete form what is nebulous in mind
For further perusal and thought
To analyze what is real and what is confused
To come to a greater understanding of
How mixed up I really am
Coming and going to religious meetings
Of service and tradition
Are shaken oil and vinegar together
Never joining completely in my mind
But heels dragging, performing with trust
That usefullness will occur from my works
Showing the lost ones love
As I serve and show them the Way
My heart and spirit strive to soar with God
Above this sticker-patch called life
Waiting for the time we can be together
Biding time by seeking His face
Communing day by day
Enjoying His presence when
With transparency, I pray