Sunday, November 12, 2006

My Man and Me

Mama PC

Well. What can I say. I love this man. More and more each day.

Yes, at times I get frustrated with him, or impatient with his ways... but, when I settle down and take a deeper look, the problem is most-times with me.

He is always kind toward me. Always tender. Always sweet. He's never made fun of me nor spoken disrespectfully to me. Yes, he's been angry with me before, but most times the anger was provoked. Once riled up, it takes him a while to simmer down, but even in his anger, he's careful how he treats me.

My heart knew that he was a man that could be trusted. I had seen him for many years before we married...watched him in the ways he handled himself, others, and situations. He was a constant type of guy. He was kind. He was gentle. He was a true friend. And he always strived to do the best he could with what he had. He wanted to make sure everything made sense and lined up with God's word. These things were what drew me to him.

I knew I'd be safe with John. My heart would be safe. And it has been. And it is. And it will be.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Mama PC

Lindsey is a blessing to me... she's my sweetest eldest dott...

intimacy with God

Mama PC

What is God doing?

If when we're walking in intimacy with God, we go through PAIN.. Luis Janeiro states that this, the time when we feel so much pain, is when God is sharing His heart with his friend.

God HURTS for his children, for the loss of his friends and his children. He longs for them to be reconciled to himself - to be raised up - to live!

About Me

I have one wonderful, devoted, servant-hearted, gifted, long-suffering, thoughtful, faithful husband, We've enjoyed and persevered through 26! years of marriage...and we're glad we've stuck it out... with the past 6 years being the best! Three wonderful children that are thankfully still gracing our home with their presence, although all over 20 now.... I work too many hours.... want to cook more, clean less, spend more time outdoors or eating out with friends.... Someday I want to own jetskis, a boat, and a Harley Davidson in order to spend more time outside in God's creation doing fun and fast things... I'm learning to explore more deeply of this romantic relationship with the Lover of my Soul.