Mama PC
The next month (after Bill and I broke up) was very difficult. We had patterns. We had routines. We had him needing me and me not knowing how to just turn off the relationship. Well, God had a plan. The first part of the plan, was to have those associate pastors speak to us and bring us to the truth. The second part of the plan was to use the April 10, 1979 tornado in Wichita Falls, Texas. One of the associate pastor's homes was totally ruined, so my father asked that family to MOVE IN TO our home until they could rebuild. That effectively put a hedge around me, where Bill could no longer come over and where I was reminded on a daily basis of my own commitment to break up with Bill and he with me. (Bear with me on this boring part of the story... it just helps you to know where I came from.)
Did I ever tell you that Bill was brother to the bass player in Petra back in the late 70's, early 80's?
Did I ever mention that John and Bill were friends?
In May, the associate pastors and my father asked Bill to leave our church, and he moved to Oklahoma City. He continued to call me almost nightly.
Meanwhile, I continued to work as secretary at a CPA firm, then moved onto a Mercantile Financing Institution and dated several other guys. One a traveling minister from New Mexico who thought he was God's gift to women. Another, a hispanic guitar player (in a Christian band) named Zenon who would not communicate with me intellectually and later I wondered if it had to do with the fact that before he was saved, he was heavy into drugs. I never got to ask him that.
This was the summer of 1979. My sister, 11 months younger than me was to marry, and I wondered what was wrong with me that I hadn't found a guy to marry yet. It was a very dark time for me. I dated guys, but none of them were who I really wanted. I could not, would not settle with one, just so that I could be married. Bill came for Janet's wedding in August. He was a jerk, and I finally realized it.
Within 3 months, my youngest sister married one of my old boyfriends... and left me an old maid at age 19!!! I also helped with her wedding, and felt a dark cloud of depression on me, especially during the reception.
(The old boyfriend she married, Mike, was my first boyfriend...and he had also dated my other sister. Just wanted to add this funny twist to my memoires...)
Yes, I was an old maid at nineteen years of age!
December came to our home, and my sisters were gone. My parents were working many hours. I remember one sad night that the realization hit me, that if ANYONE was going to put a Christmas tree up in our house, it was going to be me. So, I drove, alone, to a tree lot and bought a tree, then brought it home and decorated it all by myself. It was a very dark December.
That year, my twentieth birthday, my brother-in-law Mike asked me to help with the Christmas production by painting the set in the balcony of the church. I just knew that my family must've been planning a party, so I cheerfully made my way up to do my volunteer work.
I painted all night. All alone. I kept thinking someone, anyone, would pop in and either surprise me for my birthday or at least pick up a paintbrush. Twenty years old and alone on my birthday night...painting a set for a Christmas play. I cried. I cry now just thinking about it. How could anyone be so callous as to not even remember their own daughter's birthday, especially when she didn't have friends or a boyfriend. Oh, did I mention that all my friends at the church were married? Well, I chose not to pity myself, but again I say, it was a hard year.
For New Years Eve of 1979, I decided to go visit a friend in Neosho, Missouri. I had met her at college the year before. She was a riot! She expected me on December 31. Meanwhile, I heard about a PK (preacher's kid) retreat in Duncan, Oklahoma and decided I would attend the weekend before.
There, I met a wonderful man, named Dion... he was a preacher, a children's pastor who was part of a children's t.v. ministry, and a rodeo calf roper!!! Also a doll! Sparks flew and we had a whirlwind relationship and I almost decided against going to visit my girlfriend in Missouri, but at her insistance, I traveled up there, missing Dion terribly!
I spent much time over the next 5 months writing and receiving mail and phone calls from Dion, Mike from New Mexico and Zenon...and none of them knew that the other ones existed. Oh, and there was a local guy as well, who took me out several times. I liked these guys, and felt special when they paid me attention, but if you had asked me if they were the one that was right for me and the best for me, I would have to say "no". One weekend, I remember several were in town at the same time and wanting me to make plans. I had to say "no" to the one from New Mexico...and he got very very angry with me. Hung up the phone...then later, called me back and said, "One day you are going to be VERY SORRY!!!". I laughed and laughed over that one. I realize then, that he was very serious about me. I had no clue! But, I knew he wasn't for me. Zenon already knew that he wasn't for me... he was always very polite and actually did not pursue me. Dion got busy with all of his rodeos and ministry events and college graduation that spring, so we didn't spend much time together.
In April of 1980, John and his brother and sister walked into church one Sunday. They came up and sat in the row right in front of me. I could not take my eyes of of those long sideburns. I was 20 years old. He was 28.
Another Baby Girl on the way!
14 years ago
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