Mama PC
Something Naytron said in commenting below made me think of the years 1992/93. We were a young family and had started feeling impressed to get out of debt and free of worldly trappings. We also were feeling that God would be moving us from the little town of Hobbs, America soon, so we wanted to be ready. I had dreamed that we would one day live in a trailer so that we could start paying off debts. I looked in the papers and all around town, but couldn't find one. Several months later, a lady at the church donated her trailer to the church where John was employed. We told them we would pay to have it moved if they would allow us to live in it. So, we had it moved...and we moved into it one cold February day. Several days later (early one Sunday morning) the temperature dropped and all the pipes froze! We had to get ready for church with no water and space heaters! The prior owner told us we couldn't use the heater because it was emitting gasses and that there had once been a fire - which is the reason SHE moved out! Anyway, THANKFULLY I had left a trickle of water on in the yard for the dog, Lovey. You know, when there's frozen pipes, there is no water for cooking, brushing teeth, showering or flushing toilets! It was not a fun day. But, there was that trickle!!! And, thankfully there was a big hole in the kitchen window that had been taped up with duct tape...actually two holes in double paned windows. Resourcefully, I pushed that water hose up through those holes in the kitchen window and.... duct taped it in place...also to keep out the cold wind! Voila! We had a hose that I could position to fill a pan which I could place on the stove to heat water for cooking or bathing...and cold water flowed which we carried to the bathrooms to flush toilets! I tell you, even through the hardships of those days where we were cold and strangely equipped, I felt the most joy in my environment. It was all about the overcoming of the obstacles and the fun of making something work. It was an ugly trailer. But, that made it better for me because it didn't have to be kept up perfectly. It was just what it was. A shell to be made into a home. It had 3 bedrooms. The girls shared one at the end of the house...when they wanted to play on the floor, they stood the twin mattresses up against the wall, so that they'd have more playspace. Jeremiah's room had been made into a storage room with wide shelved cabinets all along one wall. There wasn't even enough room in there for a bed, so I took the doors off the cabinets, and made a pallet on the wide shelves and he slept there! Seriously! He was about 4 years old. Am I a strange mom or what! But it worked... and we had the time of our lives. That year we started homeschooling too... and spent many hours in that trailer and out in the tiny yard, playing with the animals and digging in the dirt. We paid off all our bills and cars and were free of financial encumbrances. So, even though we lived in a very simple place, with not all the efficiencies.. we truly lived richer than anywhere else we've ever lived.
Wednesday afternoon (after the freeze on Sunday) I was coming home and saw water pouring out of one end of the house! The kids had turned on every faucet in the trailer when the water was frozen and then, when the sun had come out enough, and the pipes unfroze, water filled the tubs and sinks and ended up FLOODING the end of the trailer! Oh well, it wasn't a horrible thing. We just mopped it up and did the best we could. I think there were a few pipes that had to be repaired, but all in all, God gave us a good time as we placed ourselves into His plan of living a life of simplicity. I wonder if we have any photos of the two years we lived there? No matter, the pictures are imbedded in our hearts, where we can go back and visit there at any time. We became a stronger family unit living in an ugly, disfunctional house.... that became our home because WE lived and loved in it.
Another Baby Girl on the way!
14 years ago
How long did you homeschool for? At times, I think that I would like a simpler life. Maybe my kids would not be so demanding and learn to appreciate what they have. Maybe I would appreciate what I have and not want more.
What does the future hold for us? We have yet to see.
we homeschooled 3 years - jeremiah's 1st-3rd grades
hannah's 4th-6th (although she and Lin shared curriculum for a lot of the subjects)
lin 5th-7th...
we had a very relaxed style - and did a lot of the work (history, math, science) together...
jeremiah couldn't do well in cursive, so i got him into italics and he did very well in that style... he's a lefty...
i loved the life where we weren't constantly on the go...
smaller is better as far as rooms to clean, stuff to keep up, etc.
such a warm and inspiring description of wisdom and sacrifice. very resourceful lifestyle, and more of which I need to practice. we want to have a solar, water, and wind powered property with our own animals and such.
this is my second year to homeschool chris (8th-9th grade), how did ya'll decide to sendem to public school after 3 yrs.?
well, at the end of the 3 years, we felt like it was time to send them "somewhere" besides homeschool... we did not feel peaceful at all about public school at that time... and wasn't sure what God was leading us toward... but, He was faithful and a Music Minister position opened up at a church with a very good Christian School, where the kids could attend at low cost because John was on staff. So, they spent the next four years at that school, which had approximately 150 students, and what I felt was like a huge home school. I worked and volunteered A LOT at the school, and we were like a large family. This took Lindsey through her Junior year and Jeremiah would be ready to enter 8th grade at Moorhead Jr High. We felt very peaceful about the transition into the public school at that time. Lindsey and Hannah transitioned well as Senior and Junior at Caney Creek. They had their bearings and were not swayed by peers at all and actually were strenghthened in their faith by being cast out into the water. It was a scary time. Jeremiah seemed to be doing well, but looking back, I wonder if we maybe acted too hastily on his behalf. But, it is done now, and he has progressed through public high school. It was not fun for him and he has picked up many things from the world that scare and concern me but I have to believe that God can redeem the situation. Looking back, we may have made some changes and not placed him into the public school...possibly found a way to continue home schooling or placed him in a cooperative home school situation. But, we cannot go back now. Jeremiah is called and appointed and is a chosen child of God. He is the head and not the tail. He is a gifted and creative personality who brings joy and insight to all he knows. His path is straight and his ways are submitted to God. We are now working in God's garden to pull out weeds that the enemy sowed and to nurture the gifts that God has planted in our son. Consider the field where you plant your crops.
I remember when I first saw Lindsey and Hannah. It was at FCA during my freshman year. Mr. Crouse came, at least I think it was him, and introduced them to us. Han played guitar and Lindsey sang. It was nice. Then I noticed they were in choir with me! Those were fun times...
my sophomore year...I met the Peg. Funny little freshman guy, couldn't stop drumming his feet. And Hannah was trying to get me to come to RG and stuff. I miss my sophomore year, talking with Hannah and Melissa Spano about God and whatnot. ...ah...reminiscing...
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