What you thinkin' on???
Did you know that when dad wrote your song, back in 1987, that he actually wrote more than one verse? The 2nd verse has been hidden (accidentally) all of these 20 years! We sang the first (and only verse we knew) over and over to and with you as you were a little baby man... and you brought so many smiles to our hearts! Some day the other verse/s will be found...they're hidden away in one of dad's files. I saw it recently...and it gave me hope!!! There are good words!!! J.... words full of life, hope, healing, worth, purpose and truth.... and they were written with YOU in mind!!!
We had longed for you for several years before you were born. We knew that God would give us a son. We just knew. And then, in New Mexico, we found out you were on the way!
When the nurse brought you to me the day you were born, when I looked down at you in my arms, all I could see was MY dad! You were a little "Happy" man... in a soft blue blanket. No teeth, no hair.... with a Heil face!!! So sweet!! I shouldda known then that you'd take after Happy's side of the family. We couldn't decide for sure on your name until after you were born. We knew it had to be a manly and Godly name. A name full of meaning. It was on your second day of life, I think, that Dad and I agreed that you would be called Jeremiah John.
It just seemed the right name for you, our baby boy. Several weeks later, your name was confirmed when a friend of our family, a princess from Africa, sent us a letter, that was dated on the day you were born, saying that we should name you J J Crouse, maybe John, Josiah or Jeremiah... and she also sent a $50 check for us to buy you your first suit to preach in. She prophecied that you would be a preacher! And when she wrote the letter and mailed it, she hadn't even heard that you were born!
I'm not sure that you will ever stumble across my blog, but I had to write to you. You have been such an interesting and wonder of a person to us. What a creative genious! And a tender, sensitive but gutsy guy!
This letter will have to be continued at a later time....
because your story continues.... and I cannot wait to hear the end of it..... and I know that it will be a good story....
Just know that you are loved beyond measure by a God Who knows you well and loves you still...
and also loved by your dad... and also, this mom
your ever-lovin' ma
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