These pictures were taken from high above a city in the United States. We enjoyed a very nice

meal and each other's company as we looked down on a changing view as the restaurant

slowly revolved. The view changed moment by moment, and there was always something

new to observe. Just like in our lives with God, we need to open our eyes and truly look at life

from His perspective, not our ones from down among the earthly. We need to see our world from His point of view, not our lowly view. How does he see our children? What would He do with His time at this very moment? How would he get the dishes done or the laundry folded? Would he worry about not enough money? Would He try to climb the ladder of success or become a servant so that others would see His love? Would He focus on material things? Would He spend much of His time entertaining Himself with what the world has to offer? How does He see the people who work right next to us, or our next-door neighbors? Does He see them as nuisances or enemies, or as the hurting and lonely soul that they are? Step up and see the world as God sees it. Enjoy a flight with Him and look out over His creation and feel His heart as He sees into each and every thing He created, and feels joy at the beauty, and a longing of when all things become new.
1 comment:
good word!
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