Mama PC
Nannaw is 86 years old and had never built a house out of gingerbread before. Her eyes lit up when we talked about building them...and she seemed to enjoy it more than the younger adults.
When Christmas gets near, I have a game I play with my Nannaw where I'll sneak out at night and put some little trinket or toy on a fence post by her chicken pen....so that, early the next morning, as she comes out to let the chickens out, she'll find it. Once, I put a toy mouse. Another time, a plastic frog.. I haven't done any surprises like that for a while, so I'd better go find something soon... It's fun to hear her reply the next afternoon when we talk...
It's fun to bring excitement into a lonely lady's heart. You should try it sometime!
We never know how much time we have left with our loved ones... Spend as much time enjoying each other as you can... Even a cup of hot cocoa with a widow, or a small box of cookies brings smiles to those who are lonely. Take a little time today to send a note in the mail to someone who's "shut in"... or to email someone that rarely hears from you.... or drive by and drop a surprise gift on their front porch...
Little things are big things to people in need.
She is so cute... and Han and Linz are planning for more house-building days!
Looks like a lot of fun. Ginnerbread houses are cool, and the church was an awesome idea.
Good thing our real homes are made from that stuff or we'd really "eat ourselves out of house and home."
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