Mama PC Well, another year has rolled around and another Christmas program is under our belts...
We've probably done greater than 20 Christmas Musicals together, John and I...
I look a little worse for wear... he always looks great! I think my man gets better lookin' every year!
We've done big huge musicals - with as many as 50 singers...with huge lofts, real live animals, billowing clouds, full-sized manger scenes, dry-ice smoke...to these more recent, much simpler mini-musicals with ensembles...
All I can say is that as we mature and learn to work together, and learn to not sweat the small stuff nor try to do the "other person's job" the work becomes more enjoyable... maybe not as "perfect" or "wowwing" as other productions, but just as effective spiritually for the participants, audience, as well as us...
John used to do things that I now do... and I used to try to do what he does better... we were both frustrated... Now, I do more administration...and he does more of designing and sculpturing what I dream of and produce...
The Lord is perfecting us in love...
Our first Christmas together (before we were married) John and I played "Topper and Ruth" in A Christmas Carol... the Scrooge story done at our church. We spent time together in rehearsal and grew to love each other more as we rehearsed our lines, and waltzed out onto the stage together as a couple... That was in 1980... I wish I had a picture of us back then...
But, now... 26 years later... we are still arm-in-arm and still waltzing through life...rehearsing lines, smiling face to face...working out plans and facing the world together...
Me and My Man